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Christmas Note from CEO Greg Musto

Wrapping Up 2017

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  5. Christmas Note from CEO Greg Musto

Dear Friends,

2017 was an exciting year for us at Roman, with lots of new development and growth! We had booths and hosted drop-in parties at both APIC in Portland, and NAHQ in Cincinnati. We started a Clinical Nursing department. We grew our staff and our office space!

Most exciting, however, is the future. In 2018, we are primed to offer the nation’s premiere Infection Prevention, Healthcare Quality, and Clinical Nursing recruitment and career brokerage in the personal and personalized manner you’ve come to know and expect from us, while implementing new streamlined efforts on our end to allow us to be more agile, effective, and efficient in our work as we place candidates nationwide in both permanent and interim positions.

We also look forward to continuing to support APIC and NAHQ at both the local and national levels. We will be in Minneapolis for both annual meetings in 2018, and we hope to see you there.

At Roman, each of our associates are specialists and work exclusively in their area of expertise, every single day. Our teams are as follows:

Infection Prevention: Greg Musto, Zach Woodruff, Jacob Hutcherson, Josh Huffman, and Joe Francis

Healthcare Quality: Bob Griffis, Andrew Lazor, Mark Greene, and Dan Egli

Clinical Nursing: Kate Aument and Emily Hershey

I expect 2017 was a productive one for you. As we approach 2018 and your staffing or career needs change and grow, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Many blessings during this Christmas and holiday season to you and yours!

Greg Musto, CPC
Chief Executive Officer



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